Thanks to every one of you that has been supportive of this entire journey that is Apeiros World.
In giving myself a moment of reflection of the ups and downs throughout 2024 and since I first conceived of Apeiros back at beginning of 2018, I'm proud of the continued progress we've made so far.
Initially, I expected this to take much less time than intended once things were in order and progress on the manga has started.
After a year of relocating and getting settled into a new place, the joys of working full-time, and of course having to rewrite and solve some narrative problems that had stumped me for quite some time.
Not everything that can work in narrative prose, can or should translate to a visual medium, and vice versa...
However, I feel tentatively content/confident that should everything remain on track, final artwork, lettering, and design on Apeiros World Odyssey Vol 1. should be completed April 2025!
The prototype copies of the manga were phenomenal regarding art and print quality. So rest assured as we close out on the remaining chapters that you all will be well rewarded for your patience and support!
Now...onto a new character reveal!
The Provisioner
The leader of Glyph, the dominant faction on Apeiros.
The official and final version of the artwork should be completed tomorrow, so check the Apeiros instagram over the few days!
The last for 2024
Quick bio:
No one knows or truly realizes how the Provisioner's meteoric rise to power came to be in a relatively short amount of time. From serving in a military capacity for Glyph with the Enforcers to now being apart of it's Upper Echelon of important dignitaries on New Albyion.
The Provisioner has deep ambitions that none are wise to with the exception of Tysin, Ezra's mentor and leader of the Siva Preservers.
He knows the Provisioner wants the Sacred Elements and will stop at nothing to bring these powerful artifacts under his control.
Politically connected and adored by the public on New Albyion, everyone has seemingly put their faith in his charming persona and deep mystique in such a way that the entire populace is almost under a spell. His spell.
You'll meet him soon enough...
Sound off in the comments on what you think!
Other news
Over the new few months up until April, I've decided to give updates every other month. There's not much I want to share before everything is signed, sealed, and delivered on.
But you can expect in the coming months:
Some new character artwork reveals
Updates on the new website
New merch
Volume 1 release news
Thank you. That's all for everyone :)
~ Doni
this looks great! Glad to hear the project is moving!! Congrats bro!