Fierce. Bold. Ace pilot.…The stories I can’t wait to share with Khadija 🫣😲
Khadija and Ezra’s close friendship transcends the boundaries of space and time, yet in the upcoming adventures of the World of Apeiros, that bond will be put to the ultimate test.
A native inhabitant on the colony of New Albyion that Glyph controls, her world is turned upside down when her brother, the only remaining member of her family, is killed in action on a secret mission for the shadowy institution.
Eventually joining Glyph’s pilot fleet to follow in her brother’s footsteps and driven by the need for revenge and answers, she'll stop at nothing to see it through...
While she enjoys the solitude of space navigation, she really indulges in the occasional creature comfort: no matter how cute, small, large, or bizarre! She has a personal journal cataloging and recording all of her creature encounters across numerous voyages she’s taken for Glyph.
Now all that’s left is to secure a few sightings during her trek on Apeiros.
There’s more to explore
There’s a multitude of perspectives that Khadija has to share: from knowing how to hold one’s own in an ever changing society to setting aside the time for peaceful reflection—no matter what, she’ll be right there with Ezra backing him up and leading him at times to the right path.