A few days into 2024.
As I sit here typing this it’s 4:35a. I get my best ideas and thoughts around this time, although it doesn’t help that I like to wake early. Gotham hours once again…
Another year full of reflection.
I’m quite lucid during this time of night-morning and I want to express some abstract thoughts that have been bubbling up in my mind the past few months since I’ve embarked on a grand new journey—a new direction, a new beginning:
I find myself having to continually recreate myself on a daily basis.
Learning is easy. Unlearning is difficult.
Habituation is the single most important word I’ve encountered in the past 5 years. The nature and concept of the word as a creative designer has consumed me, influencing my outlook on life and how things work.
You have way less time than you think you do.
Sometimes you have to get rid of everything and just start over. Be courageous and ruthless in that process.
Building something great and impactful requires a singular focus of mind and skill. Like a sculpture, you don’t stop and start another; but continue to hone those lines, shapes, and curves until it is done.
The world is suffering, so don’t let it drag you into its abyss of insanity. Focus on building and creating something great. Nothing else matters.
Reliability is the name of the game. Stay away from those whom you can’t depend upon to hand you a tissue for a sneeze. Why trust them with something critical?
Make Gratitude a part of your daily routine. Never forget those who have helped or inspired you to keep going in the face of adversity. Tell them. And mean it.
Everyone is going through something. Get over yourself.
We’re ALL busy. So what? That’s not an excuse or reason.
Don’t let the Devil Outwit you…
Knowing what ‘NOT’ to do is just as important as knowing ‘what to do’
People spend so much time doing everything, but the ‘thing’ they should be doing. I am not immune to this either.
“The lightness of being a beginner again.” - a daily mantra
More yoga, stretching, exercise, and drinking more water.
I’m convinced we’ve been on an alternate timeline since the passing of Kobe
I’ve invested heavily in learning this year and a half: UX/UI design, Product/Project management, Product/Service design, Writing (in multiple forms & mediums), Game design, Narrative design. See a pattern?
I’ve met some really cool and interesting people across the globe this year.
I’ve traveled a lot.
I’ve burned through a ton of money. Most of it worth it.
“Hate is nature’s most powerful resource, endlessly renewable.” - Bobby Axelrod
I’ve watched the Matrix Reloaded over 200 times. Perfect film and story.
It’s been 4 years since the beginning of 2020, just thought I should mention that old world we used to operate in.
It’s all going to work out in the end.
I find myself having to continually recreate myself on a daily basis. Learning is easy. Unlearning is difficult.
I’ve made a lot of mistakes, wasted some time, hurt some people. But I carry the strength of those lessons forward to be a more complete and better human being and storyteller. Infusing those experiences makes all the difference as a writer. We carry those reflections of life with us everywhere.
The way forward in 2024 will be exciting to me for all the people I haven’t met and places I haven’t been to but will. With a firm belief that everything is conspiring in my favor I’m just blessed and fortunate to be on the path of life that I am and knowing who I am.
Top 10 Books of the last 5 years
In a later post I might cover these in more detail, but all of these titles have helped me in design, business, storytelling, finance, economics, & life/relationships!
The Infinite Game - Simon Sinek (Business/Entrepreneurship)
Creativity Inc. - Ed Catmull (Creativity, Art, Storytelling, Business)
Build - Tony Fadell (Design, Creativity, Business)
The Entrepreneur Roller Coaster - Darren Hardy (Business/Entrepreneurship)
Creative Selection - Ken Kocienda (Design, Creativity, Products)
The Third Wave - Steve Case (Creativity, Products, Business/Entrepreneurship)
Good Services - Lou Downe (Service design)
33 Strategies of War - Robert Greene (Lifeskills, Strategy, Psychology, History)
101 Things I Learned in Advertising School - Tracy Arrington, Matthew Frederick (Advertising, Design, Storytelling, Psychology)
How to Win Friends & Influence People - Dale Carnegie | Bringing Out the Best in People - Alan McGinnis (Life/Relationships)
*I can count, but these go hand in hand
Last but not least—Apeiros
If you made it this far, thanks for tuning into my abstract ramblings. I don’t journal anymore since my journal thoughts are so consumed by writing a concurrent fiction narrative, this is the next best thing to that. Maybe one day I can hope to return.
I’m hesitant to pull an accolades of everything accomplished this past year as it relates to Apeiros, I feel like there’s so much more ground to cover and accomplish it’s a bit premature to start counting just yet, but soon!
But a quick highlight of updates:
Collector’s Edition box samples are on the way from manufacturers
New art and characters
New video content
Volume 1 progress and another big development secret :)
Thank you all for sticking by, you won’t regret it.